The Church of Tell It Like It Is

PRO-Consequences For ALL


When it comes to EQUALITY WHY don’t you ever see MEN/MALES protesting for the same things that FEMALES/WOMEN ENDURE? (They can come up with some kind of SIMULATION with all of this PHENOMENAL technology and AI that’s available now). God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

Men Protesting in Washington DC For PostPartum Depression Simulation, Childbirth&Labor Simulation, and PostRapeSimulation Rights. They are PISSED that they have NEVER been given a FAIR and EQUAL shake when it comes to Post Sexual & Reproductive Physical Consequences. The Men’s Post Sexual & Reproductive Physical Consequences Rights Simulation movement is gaining steam. Soon the days of DEPRIVING boys, male teenagers and men of such BEAUTIFUL, FAMILY-VALUES experiences will be a thing of the past. God Bless America!

Millionaire Jada Pinkett Smith was recently miffed when raunchy, historically-classless, stand-up comic Chris Rock insulted her while doing his act on live nationally broadcast television this week at the Academy Awards ceremony. Jada Pinkett Smith’s “family man”, millionaire husband, reacted by approaching the comic and then physically assaulting him, in real time, while cameras were rolling. The seasoned actor, Mr. Jada Pinkett Smith, who has been a paid entertainment professional for the past several decades, proceeded to give an acceptance speech for his first Academy Award.

What, pray tell, was the impetus for Mr. Jada Pinkett Smith’s physical attack on the known insult-comedian?

Bruised feelings over hair loss due to an auto-immune medical condition.

Meanwhile, over in Eastern Europe, thousands of innocent victims are losing much more than their hair.

A homeless, drug-addicted, junkie being interviewed on camera for YouTube recently, described his medical conditions. His thick, curly locks, cascaded down his sleep-deprived face as his hernia-ravaged body slumped over. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Menstruation Equality

Isn’t interesting how champion swimmer Lia Thomas became a champion only when Lia Thomas switched teams – switched to the team of historical humans who menstruate , yet despite that biological reality of menstruating, diligently compete in a pool, in a bathing suit, while achieving athletic and academic excellence. Perhaps Lia Thomas, being on that kind of a team, needs to earn that kind of champion’s place. Let’s see…here are some of the biological realities that the members of Lia Thomas’s former team do not experience physically while achieving athletic or academic excellence. Perhaps, Lia Thomas would be held to the same standard of the menstruating teammates by being hooked up to some type of device that simulates the same kinds of effects that menstruating teammates of the champion team endure. Since Lia Thomas is around 23 years old, and the average menstruation begins roughly/generally around age 13, that’s 10 years of menstruation. Lia Thomas might consider having a decade’s worth of menstruation symptoms and realities incorporated into Lia Thomas’s overall championship to see just HOW much of a new-team swimming “champion” Lia Thomas really is. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Menstruation Equality
Loser on the Men’s Team (Hey! I’ll SWITCH to the Women’s TEAM!!!! Yeah!!!)
You Won’t See This in the Mens’ Team Locker Room

Why do these celebrity women and their handlers feel SO compelled to let the WHOLE WORLD know that they’re breeding AGAIN while there are countless other people who don’t even have a place to live? Most people took a dump in the toilet too. Do we get photos of that? (thank God NO) SICK of these airbrushed, photoshopped, plastic-surgery induced photos of “oh look how OLD I am YET I have the abs of a 12 year old- that’s AFTER I popped out SEVEN kids!” While there are TOO MANY homeless people. TOO MANY people who don’t have ENOUGH. And these semen dumping men(WAY too old to be procreating) who keep on knocking these broads up – THINK…… FOR ONCE!!! Give it a rest already! NOBODY really cares about your entitled, BREEDING life. OVERKILL. GO AWAY! And So It Is. God Bless America. AMEN.

Entitled breeders who believe the universe revolves around them (above).

Reality. (Above).

Fake. Fake. Fake. (Below)

Airbrushed. Plastic Surgery. Professional Lighting. Narcissism. “Hey Girls! Your Worth is Based on Your Looks ONLY! Don’t you WISH you were ME?!” (Above)

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The RNC has this nutcase Abby Johnson …..

….try to guilt females about abortions and guilt Planned Parenthood. She herself has had two abortions. She’s representing Donald “grab em by the pussy” Trump who believes that sexual assault and rape are recreational activities. Abby : MALES NEVER GET PREGNANT.  

This latest Trump sycophant Abby Johnson is beyond pathetic. God Bless America. And So It Is.

Anti-Politically Correct, Pro-Life/Pro-Bully “Christian“, Donald “Grab ‘Em By the Pussy” Trump Sychopant Kellyanne CONartist and her obese husband George seem to be having problems with their “precious” “blessing” offspring . Wonder how that happened. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.

Salma Hayek is sorry for promoting a new novel about a Mexican woman fleeing Mexico.

Interesting. When has Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Smith ever apologized for PROMOTING their film Dogma?  I think, not 100% sure, but I think NEVER. Hilarious to me how certain white men are never expected to be sorry for any damn thing. In this case (see names above), they can be FAT, DISGUSTING, SLOBS but NEVER have to apologize for PROMOTING anything. God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.


It’s bad enough that these guys, who are completely ruled by their dicks and their egos, whore around on their wives, (“married” LOL!!!! JOKE!!!)…but then they have to play this “family man” BULLSHIT/ROLE MODEL/FAMILY VALUES card, with their STUPID wives standing by them, promoting these “do gooder” (rolling my eyes), “equality” (LOL!) campaigns . God Bless America. And So It Is. Amen.




de – FAME -ation

It’s so funny when FAMOUS people whine and scream about DEFAMATION and have $$$$$$$ to throw around.

From the American Psychological Association:

narcissistic personality disorderin DSM–IV–TR and DSM–5, a personality disorder with the following characteristics: (a) a long-standing pattern of grandiose self-importance and an exaggerated sense of talent and achievements; (b) fantasies of unlimited sex, power, brilliance, or beauty; (c) an exhibitionistic need for attention and admiration; (d) either cool indifference or feelings of rage, humiliation, or emptiness as a response to criticism, indifference, or defeat; and (e) various interpersonal disturbances, such as feeling entitled to special favors, taking advantage of others, and inability to empathize with the feelings of others. [originally formulated by psychoanalysts Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957), Otto Kernberg (1928–  ), and Heinz Kohut (1913–1981) and psychologist Theodore Millon]

God bless America. And so it is. Amen.

Oh Jesus. Here we go again! Another has-been, old, white guy making the media rounds with yet another sad and sorry excuse for an “apology”. (Isn’t it always SO timely that these “apologies” ALWAYS happen AFTER the entitled White Guy has either directly or indirectly damaged masses of people’s spirits, some individual’s esteem and in some cases (maybe even many cases) some people’s vaginas, sexual health, mental and emotional well being for life. Howard Stern, who has made his EXTREMELY PROSPEROUS LIVING off of degrading someone ELSE’S daughters, someone ELSE’s sisters, someone ELSE’s female friends, someone ELSE’s mother, etc., NOW all of a sudden, (now that he’s OLD, and his archaic radio show is essentially a platform that went by the way of leg warmers and feathered hair) he is supposedly the “NEW JESUS” repenting for his past (?) sins, with his nearly two decades younger trophy-wife posing by his side. (I bet she’s just doubled over in pain LAUGHING about Howard Stern’s ex wife’s miscarriage. (Isn’t that just “hilarious”?) ) Of course an entitled White Guy with a dick, who NEVER will experience anything like that with HIS body can make ALL the jokes in the world about it with ….get this…$$$REWARDS$$$ included. Let a woman, a black person and/or a minority on any job try that “joke”, and watch that person get canned from employment in a NEW YORK MINUTE. Entitled prick White Guys “mysteriously” get excused, with their enabling door mat females, sycophants and friends gleefully cheering them on (think Melanoma Trump) with that “oh he’s just a guy” pathetic brush off that they always use. (And Stern wants us to believe he’s “Sorry”??? Give us a BREAK !!!!). Moron, entitled White Guy Liam Neeson is another pathetic case. , and this has-been Moby is another one. All these jokers need to do is go back to doing the only thing that any of them is good at – and that’s playing with their dicks. That’s it. You all are old and ugly now, your hey day is over, nobody cares about your half-assed, bullshit apologies. God Bless America. And so it is. Amen.

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